Saturday, July 7, 2012

Testing "Follow by Email" Function

Vickie... did you get notification?


  1. I think I am hooked up now I hope.

  2. Janis I don't know what is going on I have signed up and it shows me up at the top under followers, but not as a member I got the email to verify my sign up and when Nancy got home she looked and said I did not show up anywhere on your Mobile Blog.

    1. Vickie, I don't see you under "Members"? Do you? You may have just put your email in under "Follow by Email". That's different than becoming a "Follower". It's confusing, I know, but I can't really help it! Call me if you want help! 880-2426

  3. This is a test of the emergency blogging system...

  4. I did get get my email notification and then connected back to here. It works great... can't wait to see what you post from convention.

    Travel safe my friend!

    Vickie M.
